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BOH Minutes Mar 7 2012
C h i l m a r k   B o a r d   o f   H e a l t h
M i n u t e s
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Chilmark Town Hall
5:00 pm

Present:  Katie Carroll, Jan Buhrman,

Absent:  Mike Renahan

Also Present: Marina Lent (Administrator),  Reid Silva (Vineyard Land Surveying and Engineering),  Elizabeth Lewenberg, Stephen Lewenberg, Adam Lewenberg, Joan Hughs, Deborah Hancock (Hancock Real Estate), John and Renee Molinari (Beetlebung Coffee House)

Shae, 11 Hammett Lane, (8-43)   The Board reviewed a request from Ray Shea as to whether the Operation and Maintenance schedule for the FAST sewage disposal system, which currently requires quarterly testing, could be reduced in light of the fact that the residence will no longer be occupied year ’round in the foreseeable future.  The Board asked Marina Lent to contact the Wastewater Treatment Service, the contracted maintenance company, to review options for a biannual testing schedule that would still ensure proper operation under the conditions of use outlined by the owner.

Lockridge, 2 Stone Ridge, (25-130)  Chris Alley presented a septic system construction permit application to tie a proposed detached bedroom in to an existing 6-bedroom capacity leaching pit; the existing house currently has garbage grinders, which will have to be removed in order for the existing leaching pit capacity to suffice to accommodate the additional flow from the proposed detached bedroom.  The Board approved the permit application, pending receipt of book and page number for a deed restriction requiring removal of garbage grinders and allowing BOH verification thereof with reasonable notice.

Beetlebung Coffee House, 24 Basin Road (27.1-109):   John and Renee Molinari presented their business plan to the Board of Health for the proposed Beetlebung Coffee House at the site of the former Menemsha Café.  The coffee house will operate daily from 7am to 8pm, May through October, selling primarily beverages and simple Panini.  The concept is to provide a limited and simple menu based on highest-quality, top-notch ingredients.  There is no elaborate processing or extensive selection of complicated menu items; the success of the business model lies in good equipment, thorough training and high standards of employees, and high quality of the product used.  There will be up to 12 seats available indoors, and the picnic tables outside.  Planned opening is May 1.  

The Board noted that the plan review initiated with the BOH inspector must be completed prior to opening.  

Lewenberg, 3 Osprey Lane (25-122)  The Lewenberg family recounted the history of the three-bedroom family dwelling, which was built in the 1980s with a 5-bedroom capacity septic system.  The time has now come to build a guesthouse to accommodate a growing family: the family clearly stated that there is no intent to rent the dwelling, which will see only seasonal or occasional holiday use.  The Board noted that the 1980 construction permit application allows for a future guest house, and that the capacity of the existing system will allow for the loading requirements of Title 5.  Reid Silva assured the Board that the current system is functioning well, not near capacity.  The Board will entertain an application to tie a new guesthouse into the existing system. A plan will have to show the possibility of two compliant systems on the 5.9 acre property, an inspection letter of the current system provided for the file, a water test of the drinking water well completed, and a deed restriction filed stipulating that the detached living room cannot be used as a bedroom.

Gale/Broderick, Basin Road (21-1.5)   The Board noted that the proposed tight tank is not technically a septic tight tank, but rather an industrial waste holding tank, and is therefore not under the approving authority of the Board of Health under Title 5.  

Estate of Russell C Walton, 142 Quenames Road (17-30) Reid Silva presented a septic system permit application for a six-bedroom system upgrade. The current system has failed.  The proposed system will have to be mounded due to high groundwater in the area. The Board approved the permit.

Estate of Russell C Walton, 142 Quenames Road (17-30) The Board approved a well permit application submitted by Reid Silva on behalf of Island Water Source.

Shapiro, 20 Quitsa Lane(33-39)  Reid Silva discussed a proposed septic system upgrade for a 4 bedroom house with 2 bedroom guest house on Quitsa Lane which is currently served by a cesspool.  The Board called for a public hearing to be held on the proposal, and set the hearing for its regularly scheduled meeting on April 4th at 5:15pm.

DiMaura, 26 Basin Road (27.1-125,126)   The Board resumed a public hearing on a proposed sewage treatment and disposal system construction permit application which require the following variances: Leaching system to property line 30’  15’;  leaching system to salt water body: 200’  83’;  leaching system to wetlands: 150’  75’;  leaching system to leaching system: 300’  41’;  top of infiltrator units to existing grade 3’ max  5’ (Title 5).  

At the request of the Board at its meeting of February 15, 2012, Reid Silva explored the feasibility of moving the system to the top of the hill to maximize the separation from the harbor.  However, Reid Silva reported, and BOH soil observer Marina Lent confirmed, that the soil at the top of the hill was not suitable, so the system will be placed as shown on the revised plan of 3/7/2012.  The Board approved the permit application.

Boyd, 80 State Road, (30-6) Reid Silva reported on results of the soil test at the Boyd residence: the soils will allow for the approved plan to be implemented.  

Sussman, 76 State Road (30-21)  The Board reviewed a well permit application for construction of a well originally proposed in 2005.  The Board approved the application, contingent on confirmation that the 2005 plan on file with the Board is the plan that will be followed in drilling under this permit; the Board also stipulated that the existing well is to be properly abandoned.

Portal Hill LP, 21 Lake Road (35-3.3)   The Board reviewed a Title 5 Inspection report received on 3/7/2012.  The system passes inspection.

Zoia, 18 Point Inner Way (33-114)  The Board discussed how to proceed in reviewing the implementation of conditions agreed between Adam Zoia and the Board at its meeting of June 30 2010, in particular, the agreement regarding the size of the detached accessory bedroom.  The Board recalled that, according to that agreement, the size of the proposed 3,000 ft2 structure was to be cut “in half”.  The accessory structure currently standing is 2,600ft2 according to plans available to the Town. Jan Buhrman reported on discussions held on this matter with Chilmark Building Inspector Lenny Jason.  She noted that Lenny Jason had not been formally notified of the Board’s agreement with Adam Zoia prior to issuing a building permit.

The Board agreed that Jan Buhrman will follow up with Chilmark Executive Secretary Tim Carroll regarding referral of this matter to Town Counsel.

The Board also noted that it appears that a second well, which was approved by the Board of Health, has been completed.  The Board has no well completion report on file for that well, and also requires documentation attesting that the well that will not be used has been fully and properly and definitively abandoned.

Chilmark LDO and Landfill   Jan Buhrman reported on discussions held with the MVRD and state officials on the question of the second mowing of the landfill cap.  She noted that the healthy plant growth on the Chilmark landfill is a very beneficial condition—however, the grass must be kept short enough to not flop over and choke out the undergrowth. One solution which the Board would like to pursue would be to mow only once in the summer, but to time the mowing to greatest effect, mowing at the end of July.  

Jan Buhrman also reported on a broader discussion of landfill-use with Mark Bakers of DEP.  The proposal to use the surface as a parking lot for the general public would require a strict regimen of air quality testing.  Other options for use of the space are solar arrays, sheep, or a composting bin for fish offal. The latter question had come to mind in the context of discussions around the tight tank proposed for the Gale/Broderick operation -- However, it turns out that the contents of the tank will be a minimal amount of wash-water from the operation, rather than fish offal and carcasses.  The carcasses are commonly re-used by fishermen for lobster bait, and thus are not available for composting. She urged the Board to find a way to attend an upcoming two-day class on municipal recycling options being offered by DEP.

Septic Hauler Permit issued to Jay’s Septic

Invoices:  The following invoices were approved for payment:
  • Cape & Islands Air Freight  $12.50
  • Barnaby Suman Food Establishment Inspection  $37.50
  • VNA January 2012  $660
  • MVRD SEMASS-MSW Transportation/Recycling  $1,229.75
The meeting adjourned at 19:04 hours.

_______________________              _______________________                       _______________________
Katherine L. Carroll, Chair                 Michael A. Renahan                          Janet L. Buhrman
Chilmark Board of Health                   Chilmark Board of Health                     Chilmark Board of Health

A recording of this meeting is on file at the Board of Health office and available for on-site review.